Kalimpong was carved out of Darjeeling District in the year 2017 to become the 21st District in the State of West Bengal. Situated in the Sub-Himalayan range between two hills, Deolo and Durbin, the region is known for its rich biodiversity. More than 80 % of the inhabitant's livelihood depends on agriculture Despite being one of the highest monsoonal rainfall receiving region, high surface run off has made Kalimpong one of the most water scarce region in the state. With inadequate irrigation facilities and agricultural extension service, Farmers in the area resorts to subsistence farming with an average annual farm return as low as INR 10,000. Average paddy yield in the district is 2 ton/ha which is considered to be lowest in the state.
West Bengal Accelerated Development of Minor Irrigation Project(WBADMIP) has undertaken 40 Minor Irrigation schemes in the districts to channelise water from the perennial springs towards water scarce agricultural lands. These 40 schemes once completed will be operated and managed by the community represented by Water User Associations. To make sure the WUAs maintains inclusion, access and equity in the future, its members are empowered through various capacity building programs on water management as well as exposure tours to the farms of progressive farmers from other WUAs.
Besides the 40 Schemes, Project has also taken up the constructions of five Water Silos that will support 24 Hi Tech Floriculture units on Garbera and Carnation cultivation. The water Silos are pre fabricated steel water storage tank with a capacity of 25,000 litre each. Water from the silos will be delivered through pvc pipes that will feed the drip system fit in each of the 24 polyhouses of size 96 Square meter each.
A Water Silo |
A female benificiary |
The climatic conditions in kalimpong makes it congenial for growing a wide variety of highly remunerative flowers like Garbera, Carnation, Orchids, Gladioli, Anthurium etc. Floriculture is not new to kalimpong, rather its a century old tradition. Flowers from Kalimpong has been reaching the western market since long, however lack of adequate infrastructures and most importantly water scarcity halted its pace . The hi tech floriculture unit established under the project will not only provide a source of livelihood for the beneficiaries but also will contribute towards rejuvenating the lucrative floriculture sector in the district which desperately needs some momentum.
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